Although the 80386 microprocessor from Intel - the first 32 bits to be used in equipment based on MS-DOS - not
the more powerful processor used in PCs today, it is still important because it established a minimum standard for computers.
As can handle up to 32 bits of data at once, it processes the instructions two to three times faster than
its predecessor 80286, which in turn is at least five times faster than the Intel 8088, which led to the chip
IBM PC and revolutionized the world of personal computers.
But speed is not the only advantage of 80386.
He has specific instructions for memory management, allowing
the operating system to safely work with several programs at the same time, through a feature known as
protected mode.
Another feature, virtual 8086 mode, provides additional protection, making various programs run
while in that mode function as if they were being driven in a separate PC 8088.
The program acts
freely, taking the shortcuts you want to have direct access to the PC,
but the 80386 intercepts these shortcuts redirecting them
for the most suitable paths so as not to interfere in other programs that also judged to be running alone.
The six basic units of 80386 collect data and instruction memory storing it in places where they can be easily
recovered by other units, give meaning to these instructions, manage them and return the result to the RAM.
The table
work that you use has many points in common with running an 80386.
The reports and other papers
placed in your inbox equivalent to the code and data that the chip performs.
For example, suppose in your inbox
input there is a request from your boss to be made a report and a set of market data that must
be used in this report.
As you were busy when this request came, she was placed in a cell
pending tasks.
At the time of doing the job, you will get the request, the data and follow the instructions for your
Then add to the report a list of people who should receive copies and put them in the box
The microprocessor is more efficient in this work because it makes all tasks simultaneously.
Each step
corresponds to the tasks performed by the Bus Interface Unit by Unit prefetch Code, Unity
Decoding Instruction Execution Unit and Units Segmentation and Paging 386.
Source: Evolution of Computers
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