A type of computer-based pen uses liquid crystal display which has a wire mesh embedded. The level of
voltage current flowing through the wires when modifying an electromagnetic field created by the pen passes over the wire.
Screens with Metallic Finish - Another type of pen-based computer uses liquid crystal display coated
transparent metallic film. The electric current flowing through the film, from the top of the screen to one of its
side. When the pen touches the screen, the electromagnetic field causes a change in current.
Both Types of Screen - When the pen touches any screen, an electric current generates its own pen
electromagnetic field that changes the voltage of the current that is flowing through the wires or the metal coating. As the pen is farthest from the side edges of the screen generating current, the greater the voltage change.
Based on the current change, the computer processor identifies the X and Y coordinates of the stylus on the screen and the direction
any motion.
Source: Evolution of Computers
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